Sunday, May 15, 2011

Toddler Talk

Anna is at the stage where she likes to talk and repeat words. The problem is she doesn't always get the words exactly right...Tonight Anna was playing with her tea set and pretending to feed a plastic horse a cup of tea. I asked her if she was feeding her horse and she repeated the word horse but without the instead of horse she said hore! And of course every time we said horse she adamently would say hore. Another favorite word of hers is duck but instead of a d it sounds more like it starts with the letter c....I'll let you figure out what word it sounds like she's saying. Needless to say it looks like Anna has her own little toddler potty mouth!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Attack of the Cicada!

Every year we hear the cicada...but it's never been that big of a deal. It's just a sign that spring is here...but this year is the year of the cicada invasion! The cicadas are louder than ever and there are hundreds of our yard, on the trees, in every bush, on the house, and even on the doorframes. We learned that this is a 13 year event...the cicada invades in masses every 13 years. They live underground all that time only to emerge by the thousands to basically sing, mate and die. The good news is they are not harmful and this should only last about 6 weeks. My neighbor also says they're good bait for fishing!

Looking at our bushes is like a game of Where's Waldo? How many cicadas can you find? 

This is the most annoying part...the cicada sheds it's skin and this is what we've been finding everywhere...empty cicada shells.
The cicada even invaded the Royal Wedding! These bugs are everywhere!

Here's a sampling of what it sounds's kind of like static on the radio and apparently it just gets louder as it gets hotter!


How's a girl supposed to escape the cicada invasion? We've been lathering up the SPF and heading to the local parks! Oddly enough there aren't that many cicada's at the playground!

Anna loves the playground and just being outside.


When Anna attempted the rock climbing wall all I could think was that Anna was saying to herself "when I grow up I want to climb rocks just like my Daddy!"
This week we also went to Centennial Park where we followed the geese...
Then we admired the flowers...
The look on Anna's face when she was told "No picking the flowers!"
So Anna found some sticks to play with instead. It never fails...whenever we take her outside she always finds sticks to hold onto and swing about!

Hello Jackie O! I bought Anna some new sunglasses and everytime she wears them I always say to her hello Jackie O! And I'm not the only one who thinks the park last week a person walking by us jokingly asked Anna for her autograph!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Flood of Memories

This weekend marked the one year anniversary of the Nashville Flood....Here is what our backyard looked like one year ago today.....we were wading through ankle deep water...

And here is what it looks like today --- no ponds of water but ironically it's raining!

I bought some flowers a while ago from a local shop and while there Anna was given her first flower - A pretty pink gerber daisy!

Where's Anna??
 There she is! Anna loves to play hide and seek...even if it's just hiding her face in this box!

 On the days it's not raining we're usually outside...right now it's the perfect weather in Nashville. It's not unbearably humid and the mosquitos aren't on full atttack! Anna loves plaing outside where her favorite thing to do is collect rocks and sticks.
 Anna also loves to "help". Inside the house she helps me unload the dishwasher and outside she "helps" Daddy weed the garden.

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