Monday, December 16, 2013

We should be packing but....

We leave for Scotland on in a couple of days which means we should of spent the weekend packing...but first we has to go to a children's Christmas party at Alastair's office. Along with a magic show and ballon animals Peekaboo the clown did some face painting!
Anna the snowman!
Christmas cuddles
Anna was very excited to meet Santa and was very excited when Santa gave her a flying Flutterby Fairy
Matilda surprised us by happily sitting on Santa's lap
In return Santa gave her a new picnic basket
On Saturday instead of packing we decided to drive to Buffalo. Yes we decided to drive to Buffalo on the day that the big winter storm arrived. The sane California girl wanted to turn around and go home but the crazy Scotsman insisted everything was fine. The crazy Scotsman wasn't so crazy after all and we had a great day trip to Buffalo!
Matilda enjoyed her first trip to Starbucks where we enjoyed warm drinks before our snowy drive home.
On Sunday we woke to half a foot of snow. So instead of packing Alastair put on his skis and skied out the back door, through the neighbourhood....
and to the top of the ski hill at Centennial Park
where the city is busy making extra snow for the ski hill.
After breakfast we could have started packing but first there was snow to shovel which Anna really enjoyed doing!
Anna and Alastair hard at work shovelling the snow!
Matilda also got to play in the snow...quick quiz...which picture below is of Anna's first time in the snow and which is Matilda's first time in the snow!?
The picture on the left is Matilda and the right is Anna!
Matilda had the most fun walking and running along the shoveled sidewalk.

Then it was off to the park to play....
and do a little sledding...

Busy weekend....I think I'll go start packing now.....

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