Saturday, June 11, 2016

Anna meets Mo!

Anna has always loved books and has a love for reading. If you ask her who her favourite author is she will tell you it is Mo Willems. Mo Willems is the amazing author of the pigeon books and the elephant and piggie books. And last night we went to a book signing to meet him! We were very lucky to get tickets (it sold out in a day) and Vancouver is his only Canadian stop. It was an unbelievable experience. Mo Willems read his last book in the elephant and piggie series and read his yet to be published next book! And then he signed all our books! Wow! 
And to give you an idea of how much Anna loves Mo Willems we had the opportunity to go with Alastair to Jasper National Park this week. I asked Anna what she would rather do - go on a road trip adventure and go camping or go meet Mo Willems. Without hesitation or giving any thought she answered definitively, "I want to meet Mo Willems".

 After the book signing we joined some friends at Jericho Beach for a pizza picnic. Meeting Mo and then playing on the Anna said on the drive home - It was the best day ever!

A Walk in the Woods

One of my favourite things about living in Vancouver is that there is always new hikes to explore. A few weeks ago we went to Port Moody and walked the Admiralty Point trail and it was amazing. The trail followed the shoreline so around every turn and bend we had views of the ocean. Sun + Sea + Forest = My kind of walk!

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