Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let it Snow!

They said the snow was coming and for once the local weather team was right! We're "snowed in" right now...we got almost 5 inches of snow last night! I know it doesn't sound like a lot but it only takes a little bit of snow to shut town the city of Nashville! The roads are icy and the scenery is white..our own little winter wonderland. The perfect weather for a winter walk followed by a cozy fire. Anna turns 4 months next week and has reached more milestones including laughing out loud and rolling over. Rolling over is Anna's new favorite...the minute you lay her on her back she immediately starts to roll over!

Getting into position to roll....

Leg and arm goes this way....

I did it!!!

The face of satisfaction!

The view from our porch

Our street covered in snow and ice!

And we thought Anna wouldn't wear her snowsuit again after Scotland!


Erika said...

There is nothing better than their look of satisfaction after they do something. Sam recently pulled the placemat off the table while eating dinner and looked like he had just won an award. He was so pleased with himself. By the way did you get the newest Target baby coupons? The baby on the front cover looked like Anna's sister.

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