Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yo Ho Ho!

Do you know what today is? Today is one of my favorite it's not the first day of fall or the last day of's International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Those who know me well know I could not let this day pass without a blog post about all things pirate! I'm sure many of you are asking yourself why are pirates so great? Well as Kevin and Bean on KROQ would say....They just Arrrrrrrrrrree!!!!!
The first thing everyone needs on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is their pirate name! Anna's pirate name is Second Mate Catherine Hagerty the Long find your pirate name go to or
But of course it wouldn't be Pirate Day without a collection of Pirate jokes...I know you've waited all year for some good pirate jokes!

What's a Pirate's Favorite Bar Drink?
A Maaaarrrrtini

What's a pirate's favorite letter?
You think it's the RRRRR, but it's the C that they're in love with!

What did the pirate say to man who insulted him?
I know you ARR, but what am AYE?!!!!

What do pirates put on toast?

What's a pirate's favorite food?


Seedman Family said...

Arrrrrr, she's her mommy's girl!

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