Sunday, February 6, 2011

ZOOperBowl Sunday

To celebrate SuperBowl Sunday the Nashville Zoo offers half price admission...since we had never gone to our local zoo and since neither of us watch football (I know - GASP! how very un-American of me!) we thought we would check it out!
Hmmm....maybe this is why admission is half price!?
It was chilly outside but in the Unseen New World it was warm and toasty...perfect for viewing turtles, frogs, fish and too many snakes for my own personal comfort level. The staff also had some snakes out for people to touch. Alastair did take Anna to touch a constrictor - I did not stand close enough to watch or take a picture of this event!
Anna also enjoyed running everywhere...
Bouncy bridge makes a bouncy stroller
Anna's favorite animal of the day was the red panda. It kept running past the front of the glass much to Anna's delight and had her in a constant giggle.
Mommy and Daddy's favorite part of the day? Playing on the swings!
But I think Anna liked the swings too!
The Jungle Gym area also had a giant snake tunnel to walk through - what is it with this zoo and snakes!?
Overall it was a ZOOper day!


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