Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Spring!!!

Today is the first official day of spring! Good bye cold weather, big coats and snow - Hello flip flops, sunny days, and backyard BBQ's! While it's still possible we could have a few random days of below freezing cold weather I am keeping my fingers crossed that the sunny days we've had recently are here to stay. We've been taking advantage of the nice weather with trips to the park - this weekend we had a picnic at Percy Warner park....where there was lots for Anna to explore....
Walls to climb on....
Anna checks the speed limit...
And then runs past at top speed!
Stairs to climb....not an easy task when you're holding the sticks you find along the way!

The sunny weather also means Anna likes wearing her sunglasses!

This weekend Anna discovered the fun of looking out the window and smashing her nose and lips against the can you not love that face!?

And for your musical enjoyment....Anna singing while playing the xylophone...

Anna loves singing and while we worked in the garden a branch from the rosemary bush became her microphone


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