Sunday, July 31, 2011

Farm and the City

Toronto is a big city with lots to see and do.... what was the first big city attraction we went to see? Riverdale Farm - a real working farm in the middle of the city! And what a wonderful place it was... walking around the farm you felt you could be in the country and not only blocks from the bustling city center. The best part of the farm though was that it was free!!
Anna loves animal sounds so we couldn't wait to see how she reacted to all the animals... she was a little afraid of the chickens. She especially didn't like it when the rooster ruffled his feathers!
The horse was a favorite... Anna kept yelling Neigh!!!!!
The pigs were fun but the real excitement happened when Alastair had to jump into the pen to save another couple's kids toy from the hungry pigs!
Anna also really liked the goats... the only problem she kept barking at them because she thought they were dogs!
Shopping in Chinatown has become a favorite activity... the fruit is so cheap! Strawberries were 2 for $3.00 and raspberries were 2 for $2.00!!

But as much as Anna liked the farm and shopping her favorite thing about Toronto is probably her new big backyard to run around in. And to make the bakyard even more fun Auntie Lyn sent Anna this water table...


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