Sunday, September 25, 2011

An apple a day....

Today we met some friends at one of the local apple farms....

The apple farm was more than just apples....there was a giant box full of kernals for the kids to play in...

 Straw to climb on, slide down....
 and throw in the air!

and no farm trip is complete without a tractor ride...!
 Then we were off in the wagon to go pick our apples.
 There were sooooo many apples! So many varieties to choose from...don't know which apple to pick? Just pick one and take a bite! Anna had fun picking the apples off the ground....of course we had to quickly grab the half eaten ones from her fast little hands.
 These are some of the apples we picked a normal week I buy 3 apples at the grocery store. Today we came home with over 20! This afternoon I used 4 to make a glazed apple cake....only 15 more apples to go....tomorrow we might be making apple cookies, then maybe some apple muffins.....


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