Monday, April 23, 2012

Our Digital World

Yesterday we met up with some friends at the Kids Toronto International Film Festival where they has a digital play space just for kids. All the fun was found with modern technology in today's digital world!

Waiting in line became an adventure in seeing yourself on the big screen!

Our first stop was the Funky interactive experience where the kids used there bodies to create trees....
 and logs to divert the water and make dams.

Next we were off to The Green Screen where we got ready for our close up....what's that coming out of the snakes mouth?? It's Anna!
A visit to the light and sounds exhibit where we made some music

Adventures in Sound! Here kids said their name in a bucket and the pitch of their voice determined the color they would paint with their virtual paintbrush! 

 Room Racers where kids raced virtual cars around everyday items..
  A quick lesson from Daddy....
and Anna was off racing her car!
 Fun with the Magic Mirror

 But as fun as our digital world is nothing beats a balloon...and were these balloons amazing. You could ask for anything and the ballon makers would make it. While waiting in line we kept asking Anna what kind of balloon she wanted. The answers varied from Batman to a princess to a pink kitty but when it was her turn she said.....???
Here she is getting her head measured for the.....


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