Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Who let the dogs out?

Last weekend we went to Woofstock in downtown Toronto which is North America's largest dog show. I've never seen so many dogs in my life! There were big dogs, little dogs, fluffy dogs,hairless dogs...and even a purple and green dog!

 There were dogs taller than Anna...
 And dogs swimming in fountains! Anna loved going here...she was constantly saying,"Pat the dog PLEASE!??"" And she was very good at greeting the dogs -always letting them sniff her hand first!
 Coversations with Anna have become more and more amusing. Some of my favorites have been:
1. While eating lunch one day Anna looked at me while eating a strawberry and said, "Strawberry in mouth, then to tummy, and then to bum!" I burst out laughing and said,"Anna, what has Daddy been teaching you?" Well when I told Alastair the story he said,"She learned that from the book you read her!" Indeed Alastair was right....Anna and I do enjoy reading the potty training classic Everyone Poops!
2. Anna loves dressing up like a princess. Not a day goes by when she doesn't want to wear a princess dress, crown and carry her wand. She'll take her wand and bobbity boo everything! And when she's in her dress she prefers to be called Anna princess. One day I asked her if Anna was a princess then what was Mommy? She waved her wand said Bobbity Boo, and said, "Mommy Queen!" Then I asked if Anna is the princess and Mommy is the Queen then what is Daddy? Anna replied," King!" Now whenever she plays dress up I am referred to as Mommy Queen and Alastair is Daddy King.....I admit I quite enjoy it when Anna comes up to me and says, "Come on Mommy Queen".

3. Last week Anna and I were sitting having a cuddle when she looked up at me and said, "Mommy I hear the baby". I asked her what the baby was saying. And in the softest whisper Anna said, "I Love You". Ahhhhh...I think my heart melted into a million pieces that day.


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