Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer Weeks 1 & 2

It's been 2 weeks since the school year ended for Anna and that means it's been 2 weeks of me finding creative ways to fill our days! So far we've spent time practicing our letters and writing our name in sidewalk chalk..
 We've followed the alphabet trail....

Then there was the day we discovered that sidewalk chalk mixed with water is like sidewalk paint! We mixed colors to see what new colors we could make...
 We had fun with our blue hands....
 We had even more fun decorating our slide with handprints! 
Of course there has also been mornings spent at the park

We've gone on daily neighborhood walks after is Anna taking Cinderella on our walk. Usually our walks involve looking for lions, tigers, and bears oh my! So far we've only found some ducks!
I also finally dusted off our spalsh pool...Matilda was very excited when she saw the pool!
 And so was Anna!

We've had some rainy days we've built tents to read books in....

And had an animal parade!


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