Sunday, September 8, 2013


As a special end of summer treat we took Anna and Matilda to the Toronto Zoo to see the zoo's newest exhibit....the GIANT Pandas! Anna had fun following the panda footprints....
We learned all kinds of interesting panda facts...
What they eat...
how big their paws are...
and my what big teeth they have!
We were also lucky enough to see one of the pandas awake and eating!

Matilda's favorite animals were these silly ones!
All day long Anna kept asking asking to see the animal that climbs up trees and is upside down. We figured out that it was the sloth she wanted to see and started our search for the sloth. At the end of the day we finally found the sloth where, since it's nocturnal, was asleep in a box! 
Regardless Anna was happy to have found the sloth....
Though she didn't like the smell!


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