Monday, October 20, 2014

The Great Pumpkin weekend

This weekend was about about pumpkins! In two days we went to 3 pumpkin patches!
On Saturday we went to the annual pumpkin patch fundraiser at Anna's school.
Where there were bouncy castles and slides...
 And where we got our first of 5 pumpkins...

 And where Anna got her face painted!
On Sunday our first stop was the pumpkin patch at our real estate agent's office. So many pumpkins to choose from....
 And they were all free!
Our next stop was to the Laity Pumpkin Patch in Maple Ridge...where there were animals to see and where Matilda quickly learned not to put your fingers too close to the chicken coop!

 Goats to feed....

 Silly animals to pose with...
And even sillier cutouts to pose in!
There was "gold" to mine for....

And of course thousands of pumpkins to climb on!


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