Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Where did November go?

Where did November go? Or should I say how is December almost over!? I realized that I haven't posted anything in awhile and I couldn't help but wonder...have we not done anything exciting or post worthy? Have I not taken any pictures? A quick look at photos proved that yes we have just been super busy since the last post....

At the end of November we enjoyed our first snow much to the girls delight! It lasted all of four days and both girls are eagerly awaiting more snow!
 We had our last ballet class of the fall season for both girls. Next up for the winter season is skiing lessons for Anna, swimming for both girls and a strong focus on potty training for Matilda!

 We've been exploring more of the trails near our house...the girls love running through the woods...

 and often stop to marvel at all the tall trees!
 We've had lots of silly days....
 And no December is complete without a letter to Santa....
 personally delivered to the man in red himself!


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