Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bite Me

You know how you don't know if your kid is allergic to something until they have an allergic reaction? Well it happened with Matilda....last month she woke up with a slight bump on her head. She's a toddler, she falls, didn't think much of it....until about 8 hours after when her bump began to swell. The bump was red like a bite but there was no bite mark but to be safe I took her to the clinic. The doctor said she seemed fine that the swelling would go down but if the swelling got worse to bring her back in. Below is a picture of Matilda at the clinic on the first day...

The next day we woke up and Matilda's eye had swelled even more! So off to the hospital we went....

 By the end of the third day the swelling was gone, all was good...we thought ok it's a one time thing....and then we went camping. On the last day of camping she woke with an obvious mosquito bite on her forehead. And as the day went on the more and more it swelled up! We had confirmation that Matilda and bites are like oil and water - they just don't mix!


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