Monday, May 24, 2010

Hot Child in the City

It's not officially summer yet but the temperature outside sure feels like it is! The heat combined with the humidity have made for some very long days. The lack of air conditioning has made for even longer days! Our fingers are crossed that the air conditioner will be fixed tomorrow. The warm weather is the perfect time for a sunhat but Anna has decided hats are more fun to eat than wear!

Anna's new favorite thing is to lift things up over her head....she does this with her toys....

With her tops.....

With Daddy's shirt....

Anna kept lifting one of Alastair's shirts over her face and as much as I tried to get a photo all I could get was the happy look on her face when she dropped it!


Erika said...

SOOOOO cute! Hey, my Target has Britax Roundabouts on clearance for $140. Check yours!

Seedman Family said...

She looks so much like her mommy! Especially with that fantastic happy smile! Enjoy summer.

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