Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

This was taken on Thursday, April was a bright sunny day and the peonies looked amazing.....
On Friday night the rain came and came and came....the peonies did not like the rain.
It rained a pouring rain until 5:00 Sunday's estimated we got close to 20 inches of rain! 20 inches of rain in less than 48 felt like the rain was never going to stop.

This is what 20 inches of rain in such a short amount of time looks like.....the earth cannot absorb that much rain and the water has to go somewhere. At our house the water decided to fill the crawl space underneath our house. These are the stairs that go down to the crawl space....

This is the water being pumped out of underneath our house. Our very kind neighbor came to my rescue when I asked for help....My plea went something like this,"My husband is out of the country and our basement is flooded...I don't know what to do!!"
The good news is that as of this posting the rain has stopped and the pump is working at removing the water....It started with only being able to see the top 2 we can see the fourth step down!!!


HandM said...

Your peonies do look great, well they did. Did they perk up again after the rain stopped? We are also having lots of rain, but my little tomato plants are standing up to it so far!

Seedman Family said...

Oh my goodness lady! I'm glad you all are ok and things are looking up. I can't imagine having to deal with all that with your hubby away. Thank goodness for neighbors and perfect peonies captured on film before the rain ;)

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