Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy ho, ho, ho to you!

We arrived safely in Scotland last week...from Toronto we were able to take a direct flight into Glasgow. Our flight landed early, our bags all arrived far this Christmas has been smooth sailing!
Christmas 2011

Anna has quickly adjusted to the time difference and is enjoying being with everyone at Comrie she is with her new BFF Charlie. Anna and Charlie have spent many nights chasing each other! She can often be heard saying, "Charlie!? Where aarrrrrreeee you!?"

Anna finally got to open her presents (yes there were even a few wrapped in purple paper!). Here's Anna in her new purple dress complete with purple butterfly wings! And of course no outfit is complete without a crown!


The other major highlight for Anna came on Christmas Day when she got to take her first pony ride! Anna's Aunt Ruth took her for a ride on Seamus. Anna has seen horses before but has never seen anyone riding one yet when she saw Seamus she kept pointing to him and saying "On! Sit! Please!???" She couldn't wait to get on that horse!

 Anna with her Aunt Adele, dogs Skip and Charlie after her pony ride.

Happy Holidays to all! Enjoy every moment with the ones you love!


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