Sunday, January 1, 2012

Toddlers and Tiaras

Every year at Comrie the village celebrates the new year with a big party known as the Flambeaux.  But before the adults celebrate, the kids of the village are treated to a fancy dress contest followed by a fireworks show.  This year we decided Anna would enter the chidren's fancy dress contest!
Introducing the Comrie Christmas Fairy!!!

Posing for the judges...

The pipes were played as we waited for the results.....

And the winner is........ Anna!
She won third place in the individual costume contest!
Anna won 4 pounds (about 6 dollars!) and a yummy green apple. She enyoyed the apple more than the money.... might be time to get a piggy bank!


Erika said...

So cute! Sam loves his piggy bank. Grammy got him a dog one hat barks when he deposits money. He picks up every penny, dime or nickel he sees!

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