Friday, November 9, 2012


It's not November it's MOvember! What is Movember? It's that special time of year when hundreds of men (aka MoBros) grow a mustache in suport of prostate cancer awareness and men's health. And this year Alastair is supporting the cause by growing his own mustache! What does Alastair look like with a mustache you ask? Drum roll please.....
Step one: Don't shave for a few days....and then just shave the hair off your chinny chin chin.
 Step two: Experiement with different types of mustaches. Should it grow straight across or grow down?
 Step 3: The final result! A mustache that will hopefully grow long enough to twirl the ends of! Oh dear....whatever will it look like at the end of the month!? Stay tuned....
To support MOvember and Alastair's quest of growing a very interesting mustache you can donate at:


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