Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat!

In August Anna decided she wanted to be a witch for Halloween. And not just any kind of witch but a purple scary witch. I expected her to change her mind but she never did so I searched and found her a purple witch costume. As Halloween drew closer I was worried she wouldn't wear her costume so we got the costume out, showed it to her and asked if she would like to try it on. Anna's answer was "Not yet." Finally we were able to get her to wear the hat but if we asked if she would like to put the dress on it was always the same answer,"Not yet." It was frustrating because she looked really good in the hat....
To get her excited about Halloween and her purple scary with costume we then made yummy  batcakes!

 We dressed up Matilda in her Halloween costume....
Quick quiz - which baby picture is Anna and which is Matilda!??
 And the answer is....the baby on the left is Matilda! The baby on the right is Anna!
Matilda dressed up as a pumpkin!
Finally it was Halloween and from the moment she woke Anna insisted it was not Halloween and she would not wear her costume and she did not want to bring it to school or wear it to school! Oh dear...what is a sleep deprived Mom to do!? Beg, plead, bribery? None of those worked so I put the costume in a bag, went to school and Anna's teacher asked Anna wear if she could see her costume and Anna showed it to her and let her put it on her right away. Never underestimate the power of your child's teacher!
Here is Anna as the purple scary witch!
 When Anna decided she was going to be a purple scary witch she also decided that Daddy was going to be white ghost and Mommy was going to be a pink ghost.
 The giggling purple scary witch
The witch and her loot from trick or treating (this does not include the candy she got at school!)
 Happy Halloween from the purple scary witch, the pink ghost, the white ghost and the pumpkin!


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