Thursday, March 28, 2013

Halfway to One

Matilda is 6 months old...we're halfway through our first year with this sweet girl. Matilda continues to bring us joy every day. She's growing by leaps and her check up this week she weighed in at 14 pounds 8 ounces.....that's half of what Anna weighs! Some of her milestones include:
Rolling over everywhere!
Reaching for everything
Eating solids...sweet potatoes are her favorite....bananas are the least favorite
Smiling and laughing out loud
She's ticklish! Tickling Matilda on her chest always produces a laugh
And the biggest milestone???Sleeping through the night! Or at least she has for the past 2 1/2 weeks...I need to enjoy these nights while we can...every night I worry that this will be the night that it ends...can you see Alastair rolling his eyes at me as I write that!?
 Matilda loves to sit up in her big girl chair
 She's a serious baby
 A full of wonder and thought baby
 An all around happy girl!
 And happy to be able to join us at the table for meals!


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