Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Hoppy Easter

It was busy Easter weekend...hopping from one activity to the next. Our first Easter treat started with a trip to High Park where we fed the llamas..
 and petted the bunnies (if you look close you can see Alastair holding on to Anna by the hood of her coat!). We also fed the capybaras. The animal keeper passed around a box of fruit for the kids to feed the capybaras....Anna enjoyed eating it too!

Our next Easter activity was to dye our eggs

Inspired by our chocolate X's and O's from Valentine's Day we made our own chocolate eggs.....
but they weren't as fun to make as our Easter flower cupcakes....first we made the marshmallow petals....
 We shook the petals in sprinkles for some color....
Matilda participated in the shaking too!
Then we very carefully put our marshmallow petals on our cupcakes

Ta Da! The finished cupcake!
I wish I could take credit for this cupcake but the idea came from the book Hello Cupcake. The funny part is Hello Cupcake has a free app which I downloaded and then accidently put in Anna's games folder on my Ipad. It turns out Anna is going to be the next master chef because it's her favorite app! It's filled with video tutorials of different cupcakes to make. She's watched it so much that she didn't need her silly old parents telling how to make the cupcakes...she told us what the next steps were!

Finally it was Easter! First we opened cards...
Enjoyed our Easter basket treats
Then we were off on to our backyard Easter egg hunt!

And just like last year Anna lined up all her eggs in a row!

We ended our weekend with a trip to the playground where Matilda got her first ride in the swing!



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