Friday, July 26, 2013

Queen of the WILD!

This week Anna has been in art camp...and wow what a camp it was! The theme of the week revolved around the book Where the Wild Things Are. Every day Anna came home chatting away about the book and all the crafts she made. Today was the last day so the class had an art show where the kids took you around and showed off what they made. The teachers also advised bring a box to carry all their crafts home and they weren't kidding - we filled up 2 bags of crafts! 
Here are some of the highlights...
Anna with her wand wearing Max's crown...
Anna and her bottle monster!
Anna in her Wild Things Mask
Monster hands...
Anna holding her Wild Things stuffed sock...but when I asked her what it was she made this face and said "I don't know".
The wild rainstick
Plate Monster!
Monster Feet
Here she is... Anna Monster!...or as Anna said on the drive home, "I'm the Queen of the Wild!"
All her monster crafts including mini dough monsters, a replica of Max's sailboat, a monster hat, symmetrical monster, a monster puppet...oh where will we display it all!?


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