Monday, July 8, 2013


It was sunny today. We played outside. We even went swimming. And then it was 4:30 pm. And that's when the rain started. It rained so hard I sent a sent a text to Alastair telling him we were having a Nashville rain storm. And then it was raining so hard I took pictures of our street turning into a river. Anna actually said to me,"mommy how is daddy going to get home?". I learned from the Nashville flood so I checked the house for flooding. It was dry then. And now here we sit 5 hours later and Alastair is in the basement mopping up water. We're not flooded but it is wet. Our neighbors  basement is completely flooded. We're lucky but all we keep thinking is 2 houses in a row get flooded? Really? I keep thinking about the story of the 3 little pigs... The house shouldn't be made of bricks I want a house on stilts! Oh the power also went out about 4 hours ago. The girls and I enjoyed a romantic dinner by candlelight. Anna loved it since I can't open the fridge we got to have apples and crackers for dinner. Time to sign off... Only 54% battery life on my phone left....fingers crossed we'll have power in the morning. I really wish I had charged my iPad today.....oh and I forgot to's still raining.


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