Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkins and Pirates

This week Anna has become obsessed with two things...pumpkins and pirates! When I wake her from her nap she'll launch into a very detailed story about pumpkins and pirates. When we drive around the neighborhood she'll point out all the pumpkins she sees in front of the houses. The scary ghosts decorations she sees are pirates; she'll climb on top of something and say Arrr!....and she didn't get her pirate obsession from me! I blame Capatian Feathersword from The Wiggles for her love of pirates!
Today we decided to make her pumpkin dreams come true with a trip to Andrew's Scenic Acres where we got to pick our own pumpkins! And as hard as we looked not one pirate was to be found!
As much as Anna loves pumpkins right now she loves her apples even more.
My favorite thing at the farm was the field of Dahlias! You could cut your own flowers fresh from the field!
 No farm is complete without their resident we found the turkeys....Thanksgiving dinner anyone?
You could also pick your own raspberries here...Yummy! So we grabbed our basket, hopped on the tractor and went off to find our raspberries....unfortunately it's the end of season and we only found about 5!
Finally it was time to find our pumpkin! Off to the pumpkin patch!
So many pumpkins! Which to choose?
Here it is! The Great Pumpkin!


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