Tuesday, November 1, 2011

L.A. Baby

The temperatures are falling in Toronto so we made an escape to sunny Southern California over the weekend. While there we helped celebrate Anna's future cousin due in February with a Halloween baby shower...and we got to enjoy wearing short sleeves, flip flops, blue skies and 70 degree weather!

 Anna got to enjoy spending time with her Auntie Lyn...super Mommy to be!
 Much to Anna's delight a couple of pirates even came to the party! 
Anna also made a new friend...My friend Joanna's little boy Joey!
And no trip to Santa Monica would be complete without a trip to the beach! I kept asking Anna if she wanted to go to the beach....and until the moment we went she kept asking for the beach...okay so maybe it didn't always sound like the word beach but a not so nice word instead....! But once there she loved every minute of it!

 When we left the beach I picked Anna up and she put her arms around me tight for a hug and gave me a big kiss...her way of saying, "Thank you for taking me to the beach!"


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