Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An American Thanksgiving

This past weekend we celebrated our first American Thanksgiving in Canada. Canada actually celebrates Thanksgiving too but that was 6 weeks ago in the middle of October! It seemed strange to eat turkey before Halloween so we stuck to tradition and had ours last Thursday. It was a bit of a challenge finding a turkey and all the trimmings but I was able to get some things on clearance! My Mom, sister, and Ryan also came out to help us celebrate and Anna enjoyed every minute of their visit!
Anna quickly bonded with my Mom...she was constantly calling for her Ama!
 Happy smiles while eating her turkey dinner!
 Christmas also came early for Anna with special presents from her Auntie Lyn and Ryan. Auntie Lyn gave her a princess kitchen which Anna happily cooks eggs and washes her hands. And Ryan gave her a tent house. Both were a BIG hit!

 Anna kept bringing us over one at a time to sit inside her house!
Anna also put in a blanket and pillow so she could sleep! When she did that Alastair's eyes lit up with visions of future camping trips!
We also got our first dusting of snow today! As I write this the sun is out and the snow is melting but I have a feeling that won't always happen.....
Other Anna highlights this month:
Vocabulary: Wow has Anna ever turned into a little chatterbox! We're constantly amazed at some of her words...while driving one day she pointed at a stop sign and said octagon! Today she called it a stop sign! Another favorite are firefighters which she learned about in school. She loves learning new words. When Anna likes something she's eating she'll say yummy so in an attempt to broaden her vocabulary I asked her if it was delicious. That led to my new favorite word of hers -yummylicious!
Activity: Why walk when you can run? Anna loves to run. My sister loves to go running and I think Anna must know this because all weekend she would grab my sister's hand and say "Auntie run!"


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